Form 11-Notice of Motion

Form 11-Notice of Motion

Form 11.

O.4, r.40


(heading as in Form 1 or Form 3)

The plaintiff will at . . . a.m./p.m. on . . . , 20. . . , at (address of Court) move the Court for orders -

1. (state concisely the nature of each order which is sought but not the grounds of the application).

(Where the time for service under Order 4 Rule 42, has been abridged, add -

The time before which this notice of motion is to be served has been abridged by the Court to . . . a.m./p.m. on . . . , 20. . . , or as the case may require.)

(Follow the prescribed form of conclusion of documents for use by a party, Form 4.)

To: (name each Party affected by the above order sought).

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