Form 13-Request for special service

Form 13-Request for special service

Form 13.

O.6, r.28


It is requested that the sealed copy of (description of document) be served on (name) (whose address is . . . ) in . . . (country) by (describe special manner).

(Follow the prescribed form of conclusion of documents for use by a party, Form 4 and, after the translation, add the certificate.)

I (name), of (address), certify-

1. That what appears above is a translation of the document annexed and marked A;

2. That my qualifications to translate from the English language to the (name) language are (state qualifications).

Dated . . . , 20...


(The annexure must bear a note in the same language-This is the annexure marked A referred to in my certificate dated . . . , 20...)

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