Form 68-Application for Bail

Form 68-Application for Bail

Form 68.

O.18, r.4

(heading as in Form 1 or Form 3)


The above-named appellant hereby applies to the National Court to be admitted to bail.

In the Local Court held at . . . (place) on . . . (date) the appellant was found guilty of (set out) . . . and was sentenced to . . . (set out) (and it was further ordered . . . (set out)).

The grounds of the application are as follows: (set out)

Notice of appeal against that decision of the Local Court was lodged with the Registrar of the National Court on . . . (date).

Dated the . . . day of . . . 20...

Applicant or

Applicant's Solicitor(s)

This application will be heard at the National Court at . . . on . . . day the . . . day of . . . 20..., at . . . o'clock in the . . . noon or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard.


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