Form 94-Citation to see Proceedings

Form 94-Citation to see Proceedings

Form 94.

O.19, r.52


(title etc. as in originating process)

To (name)

This citation is issued at the request of . . . (name) of . . . (address) labourer who is the plaintiff (or where applicable a defendant) in proceedings commenced in this Court by writ of summons (or where applicable originating summons). A copy of the writ of summons (or where applicable originating summons) is annexed and marked A.

(Where a will is referred to in the writ of summons or originating summons) A copy of the will referred to in the writ of summons (or where applicable originating summons) is annexed and marked B.

The plaintiff has filed an affidavit stating that you have an interest adverse to him in the proceedings in that (state the adverse interest).

If you do not answer this citation by giving notice of your intention to defend the proceedings before the proceedings are heard and determined, the Court may hear and determine the proceedings in your absence with such consequence as may ensue according to law.

Dated: (date)

By the Court Registrar

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