Form 80-Affidavit of Applicant for Administration

Form 80-Affidavit of Applicant for Administration

Form 80.

O.19, r.25


(As to heading, see O.19, r.3.)

On . . . , 20..., I, . . . (name, address and occupation) say on oath-

1. My full residential address is . . . (address).

2. I am . . . (state relationship to deceased) of . . . (name) late of . . . (place) labourer who died on . . . (date).

3. I believe that the deceased did not leave a will.

4. (State what searches have been made for a will.)

5. (Where the deceased died without issue.) The deceased was born legitimate.

6. The names, ages and relationship to the deceased of his next of kin who survived him are (state these).

7. (State the facts showing that the persons named in Paragraph 6 are the persons entitled to share in the estate and that no other person is entitled. Annex appropriate marriage, birth, death and other certificates.)

8. (Where applicable state the matters referred to in Order 19 Rule 25(1)(b)(vii).)

9. I am over 21 years of age.

10. I am not an undischarged bankrupt and I have not assigned or encumbered my interest in the estate.

11. The deceased left an estate within Papua New Guinea.

12. I am not aware of any claims against the estate (where applicable other than those set out in the affidavit form D filed in these proceedings).

13. I believe that the estate is under the value of K . . . (gross value).

Sworn at }

before me }

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