Form 60-Garnishee Notice

Form 60-Garnishee Notice

Form 60.

O.13, r.56


1. Particulars-

(a) Judgement creditor: . . . (name, address and occupation).

(b) Judgement debtor: . . . (name, address and occupation).

(c) Garnishee: . . . (name, address and occupation).

(d) Debt: . . . (see Order 13 Rule 56(7)).

(e) Leave granted on . . . , 20. . .


(i) amount due to judgement creditor at the date leave granted K

(ii) provision for subsequent interest and for costs K\ sum required K

2. The debt is attached and bound in the hands of the garnishee to the extent of the sum required on and after service of this notice on the garnishee.

3. The judgement creditor will at . . . a.m./p.m. on . . . , 20..., at . . . (address of Court) move the Court for an order for payment under Order 13 of the Rules of Court.

4. The garnishee may pay the debt attached into Court to the extent of the sum required, retaining, if he pays into Court before . . . , 20. . ., K . . . for his costs. Otherwise the Court may order him to pay the debt attached to the judgement creditor to the extent of the sum required and interest thereon and costs.

5. Provision exists for the determination at the hearing of any dispute by the garnishee of his liability to the judgement debtor for the debt attached.

(Follow the prescribed form of conclusion of documents for use by a party, Form 4, and add-

The address for service of the judgement creditor is . . . (address).)


Sch 1, Form 61, O.13, r.71

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