Form 36-Verified Statement in answer to Interrogatories

Form 36-Verified Statement in answer to Interrogatories

Form 36.

O.9, r.22


The defendant E.F. Pty Ltd answers the plaintiff's interrogatories specified in notice filed on . . . , 20. . . , as follows:

1A. (State in full the interrogatory.)

1B. (State the answer.)

2A. (State in full the interrogatory.)

2B. (a) The defendant objects to answer on the grounds of privilege;

(b) (State the facts on which this objection is based.)

(Follow the prescribed form of conclusion of documents for use by a party, Form 4.)


On . . . , 20. . . , I (name) . . . , of (address) . . . (occupation) . . . say on oath-

1. I am the secretary of the defendant and am authorized to make this affidavit on its behalf.

2. (The deponent should state which of the answers are true to his own knowledge and which are true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief based on his inquiries of officers of the company and others and on his other investigations.)

Sworn etc.

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