Form 100-Affidavit veryfying Account

Form 100-Affidavit veryfying Account

Form 100.

O.19, r.73


(As to heading, see O.19, r.3.)

On . . . , 20..., I . . . (name, address and occupation) say on oath-

1. I am the executor of the will (or administrator of the estate) of A.B. late of . . . (address), deceased.

2. The said A.B. died on (or on or about) the . . . day of . . . 20...

3. On the . . . day of . . . 20..., probate of the said will (administration of the estate of the said A.B.) was granted to me as such executor (administrator) by this Honourable Court.

4. Annexed hereto and marked with the letter A is a true account of my administration of the estate of the said A.B. which has come into my hands or into the hands of any person on my behalf or for my use.

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