Form 57-Order

Form 57-Order

Form 57.

O.13, r.13



1. HENRY TOMANA of . . . (address) shall attend-

(a) before (the Registrar or as the case may be);

(b) at . . . (address of Court or place);

(c) on . . . , 20..., at . . . a.m./p.m. and until he is excused from further attending;

(d) for the purpose of being examined as to the question-

(i) whether any and, if so, what debts are owing to him; and

(ii) whether he has any and, if so, what other property or means of satisfying the judgement or order by which he is bound;

(iii) as to the whereabouts of the goods which he is bound, pursuant to the judgement which has been entered against him, to deliver to the plaintiff, or as the case may be).

2. HENRY TOMANA shall attend and produce all documents or things in his possession, power or custody relating to those questions (and-here specify particular documents or things, if any).

3. He need not attend or produce any document on any day unless his reasonable expenses have been paid or tendered to him.

(Complete as in general form of minute or order under Order 12 Rule 18.)

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