Form 83-Affidavit of Surety

Form 83-Affidavit of Surety

Form 83.

O.19, rr.25,26,33


(As to heading, see O.19, r.3.)

On . . . , 20..., I, . . . (name, address and occupation) say on oath-

1. My full residential address is . . . (state this).

2. I am one of the sureties for . . . (name) the intended administrator of the estate of . . . (name) late of . . . (place) labourer.

3. I am possessed of property to the value of K . . . (state value) after deduction of all my just debts and every sum for which I am bail or surety in any civil or criminal matter, action or proceeding.

4. My property consists of (set out in detail the location and nature of assets and whether held severally or jointly with any other person, and state particulars of encumbrances).

Sworn at }

before me }

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